Examining Financial Services in East Africa

The purpose of this project is to analyze financial services within Sub-Saharan Africa and the state of the rising popularity of mobile money.

image [source: https://www.dispatch.ug/the-road-towards-financial-inclusion-in-africa/]

University of Pennsylvania

CIS545:Big Data Analytics

Tools: AWS, Python, SQL, Skitlearn, machine learning, Data Wrangling

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There have been lots of discussion revolving around digital payments in Africa and rightly so. In a recent interview on the Lex Fridman podcast, Jack Dorsey CEO of Twitter stated that “Payments is probably the number one problem to solve across the continent” when talking about a conversation he had with an Ethiopian Entrepreneur. Africa as a continent has some of the most successful mobile-phone-based financial service, with Kenya’s M-Pesa platform leading the way. Yet despite the proliferation of mobile money there are still a vast number of people that remain unbanked. This project aims to explore the state of financial services within East Africa, specifically Tanzania and Kenya.
Features included:
  • Data Wrangling
  • Building a binary classifier using stochastic gradient descent
  • Advanced SQL queries
Published 1 Apr 2020